Highway and Work Zone Safety Rental
General contractors looking for ways to reduce highway construction and maintenance costs while maximizing profits often see implicit value in renting or leasing equipment. Site-Safe offers rental programs for truck mounted attenuators, trailer TMAs, crash cushions, portable steel barrier and water filled barricade, to help meet the requirements of economic initiatives. Equipment rentals are available in regional and nationwide service areas, and competitively priced at daily, weekly, and monthly rates.

Impact Attenuator & Crash Cushion Rentals
Crash Cushion Rentals and Attenuators
Site-Safe offers rental of TRACC™, REACT™, QUADGUARD® and REACT 350® crash cushions and attenuators to meet project specifications and provide jobsite savings to general contractors, counties and municipalities. Site-Safe can assemble a crash cushion rental program to meet your needs including both short and long term rental.
For more information about crash cushion rentals, call (800) 388-6884 or send us a Rental Inquiry below.
Truck / Trailer Mounted Attenuators (TMA) Rentals
Truck Mounted Attenuator products include Valtir MPS-350™ TMA and Vorteq Trailer & Safe Stop TMA products (Safe Stop Trailer, Safe Stop 180, Safe Stop 90 HD) to meet work zone safety shadow and barrier requirements.
For more information about crash cushion rentals, call (800) 388-6884 or send us a Rental Inquiry below.
Vulcan Steel Barrier Rentals
Steel Work Zone Traffic Barrier Rentals
Site Safe also offers rental plans for Vulcan work zone barrier from Valtir, a durable, portable steel traffic barrier designed to protect highway travelers and construction crews. Vulcan meets NCHRP-350 TL-3 test requirements and is available in lengths of four, eight, or twelve meters. Site Safe offers turnkey rental packages including install, move & reset, and removal when the job is complete.
Call (800) 388-6884 to inquire about equipment rental pricing and rates, or submit a rental inquiry.
Safe-Hit Delineator Rentals
Safe-Hit Line
Site-Safe is proud to offer Valtir’s Safe-Hit line of Delineators.
Call (800) 388-6884 to inquire about equipment rental pricing and rates, or submit a rental inquiry.

Plastic Water-Filled Barrier Rentals
Tritor Water-Filled Barrier
We also provide Triton Water-Filled Barrier. Water-filled barrier is ideal for traffic safety, pedestrian safety, and perimeter security for a variety of municipal, work zone, airport, and other applications.
Learn more about Valtir Water-Filled Barrier and Barricades or submit a rental inquiry below.