South Carolina Highway Safety Work Zone Products

    Exclusive Distributor Relationships with Industry Leading Brands

  • Valtir

Site-Safe is a leading supplier of roadside safety equipment and services throughout the Midwest and Southeast. Site-Safe is the exclusive distributor for Valtir, Safety Technologies, and Innovative Access Solutions in South Carolina. We offer a variety of MASH rated crash cushions, MASH-rated truck-mounted attenuators, delineators, portable queue warning system, connected technology, Automated Flagger Assistance Devices (AFAD), Mobile Work Platforms for Traffic Control, and other traffic control products.

Crash Cushions

Site-Safe offers narrow & wide non-gating, redirective crash cushion solutions that meet SCDOT QPL49’s Class 3B & Class 3C, as well as options for temporary work zone solutions.

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safety attenuator
QuadGuard Elite M10

MASH Truck/Trailer Mounted Attenuators (TMA)

Truck and Trailer Mounted Attenuators include Valtir’s MASH rated 180M and SMT Trailer TMA units. Also, we offer TMA parts for all Valtir models to include the Safe-Stop 180, Safe-Stop 90, Safe-Stop Trailer, and MPS-350X models.

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Barriers and Barricades

Site-Safe offers steel and plastic barrier product solutions for roadway use and we offer barricade solutions for vehicle & pedestrian channelization, crowd control, airports, and much more.

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barriers and barricades
airport barriers

Safe-Hit Delineators

Site-Safe is proud to offer Valtir’s Safe-Hit line of Delineators.

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airport marker
safe hit posts

Smart Work Zone

Site-Safe offers portable queue warning solutions and Connected Technology.

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iCone barrel
traffic control signs

Traffic Control Devices & Equipment

Site-Safe offers the Mobile Work Platform for safer traffic control operations and the Autoflagger 54 (AFAD) unit by Technologies.

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auto flagger
mobile work platform


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Quick Response Service throughout South Carolina

Site-Safe is dedicated to a quick response service when damage occurs to a crash cushion and truck-mounted attenuators. Site-Safe knows the importance of having readily available crashworthy equipment, so that is why Site-Safe houses a variety of parts and units for faster turnaround to keep your job on-time. For information about our products and services, call us toll-free at (800) 388-6884 or visit

For more about our products:

Call (800) 388-6884


Site-Safe Regional Hubs